International Conference JRE-Riiclas 2022
International Conference JRE-Riiclas 16-18 nov. 2022
Les Journées de la Recherche en Éducation-Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur les Interactions entre Cultures, Langues et Apprentissages Scolaires
16-18 nov. 2022 Tahiti, Polynésie française (Polynésie française)


Appel à contributions pour un ouvrage collectif aux Presses Universitaires des Antilles, collection "Apprentissage, éducation et socialisation" (avec une sortie 2024)
The call for papers for the journal "Contextes et Didactiques" is online guidelines for authors:
During January we will put the Call for long texts online for the conference proceedings
The “communications” are distributed by room. Each room has its ZOOM link : •Salle B21 : ID de réunion : 84960996321 •Salle B24 : ID de réunion : 83143764603 •Salle B25 : ID de réunion : 846 0014 8251 •Salle B26 : ID de réunion : 83312294606 •Salle de Réunion : ID de réunion : 859 3024 5833
Congress poster
Speakers present: your day of intervention, the room and the time of your communication
For communications: we suggest 20 minutes of presentation and 10 minutes of discussion. For the video capsules: we suggest 10 minutes and 5 minutes of discussion
Some useful links and some activities proposed for your stay in Tahiti and Moorea (information also sent by email, by Vairea and students of M2 MEEF4 Scientific and Cultural Mediation).
To go to Moorea on Friday 18/11 after the conference, you have two sites for online booking. Passenger tickets are valid every day of the week. If you embark on the boat with the car, then you will have to choose the exact time of departure. Yes, you have plenty of time to take the last boat to Moorea on Friday 18/11 booking links: and
For accommodation in Moorea, you can contact the Fare Arana guesthouse Contant: ERICK DELOLMO, Email address: Pension website:
Please find the program of conferences and rooms in the link below:
The abstract program is online
The synoptic program below
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