International Conference JRE-Riiclas 2022
International Conference JRE-Riiclas 16-18 nov. 2022
Les Journées de la Recherche en Éducation-Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur les Interactions entre Cultures, Langues et Apprentissages Scolaires
16-18 nov. 2022 Tahiti, Polynésie française (Polynésie française)

Conference submission

Conference submission

The languages of the conference are French and English.

 Proposals should include a detailed summary (in Word.doc format) describing the main points and conclusions of the presentation and written in the format indicated in the style sheet.

Abstracts should not exceed 3000 characters including spaces (but not including bibliographic references).

They must be sent electronically according to the schedule, no later than March 16, 2022.

Contributions must be sent electronically to (cc to

Abstract submission template

Paper submission template

Oral presentations

Contributions can take the form of a presentation of research papers, a workshop or a practical demo. Each oral contribution should be no more than 30 minutes (15 to 20 minutes for the presentation and 10 to 15 minutes for questions and discussion with participants).

Virtual presentations

Contributors who cannot attend the JRE, but wish to have their papers published in the conference journal, can participate through a "virtual presentation" (videoconference or pre-recorded video).

Virtual presentations allow participants to have their papers projected during the JRE and also submitted for review and publication in the conference journal.

Video presentation guidelines:

  • Video presentations should not exceed 10 minutes.
  • Presentations should be submitted in the following formats (.avi, .mp4).Slide shows using Microsoft Power Point are also accepted.
  • Video presentations can be in English or French.
  • If your video is less than 20 MB, you can send it via e-mail:
  • If your video is greater than 20 MB, you should upload it to YouTube and send the video link to
  • During the JRE conference, we will present your video in our conference rooms.

Video presentations will be followed by a short discussion and questions will be noted and sent to the contributors.

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