International Conference JRE-Riiclas 2022
International Conference JRE-Riiclas 16-18 nov. 2022
Les Journées de la Recherche en Éducation-Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur les Interactions entre Cultures, Langues et Apprentissages Scolaires
16-18 nov. 2022 Tahiti, Polynésie française (Polynésie française)


Chers collègues,

Nous sommes honorés d'annoncer la troisième rencontre scientifique sur la recherche en éducation - "JRE 2022 - Riiclass" - avec le titre complet :

Journées de la Recherche Pédagogique (JRE) 2022

Recherche interdisciplinaire sur les interactions entre les cultures, les langues et les apprentissages scolaires


L'idée de tenir ce colloque a émergé en 2017-2018, en réponse aux réformes de la formation des enseignants visant à promouvoir et à encourager les liens entre la recherche et la formation dans le secteur de l'éducation.

Dans la lignée du colloque « Le Printemps de la Recherche ESPE [1] », le concept des JRE est né d'une réflexion au sein du Conseil Consultatif Pédagogique et Scientifique (COSP) de l'École Supérieure de Pédagogie et d'Éducation (ESPE) de La Polynésie, répondant aux contraintes de distance, d'échelle et d'isolement. L'ESPE de Polynésie française, compte tenu de sa taille et de la taille de l'université au sein de laquelle elle opère, ne compte qu'un nombre limité d'enseignants-chercheurs dédiés aux questions éducatives et pédagogiques. Elle est également éloignée géographiquement des grands centres nationaux et internationaux de génération de connaissances, notamment dans le domaine de la recherche en éducation.

These specificities (constraints) are also shared with other training institutions in the Pacific, and generally throughout overseas territories and departments dependent on France, Spain and Portugal. The reflection along these lines began in 2019 and following several months of exchanges, in June 2021 the RIICLASS network “Interdisciplinary Research on Interactions between Cultures, Languages, and School Learning ” was born.  After two editions of the JREs  in 2018 and 2021, the conference will now move forward in the new “JRE-Riiclass” format.

2022 marks the beginning of a partnership between teacher training institutions in French Overseas Territories (Mayotte, New Caledonia, La Réunion and French Polynesia), with the prospect for further co-operation with other French Overseas Territories. Indeed, the JRE-Riiclass 2022 conference is jointly organised by EASTCO[2] at UPF (University of French Polynesia) and CRREF[3] at the University of the French West Indies and Guiana, along with the special partners INSPE[4] teacher training institutions of French Polynesia, Guadeloupe and Martinique. The intention is to hold the JRE-Riiclass in a different institution in the French Overseas Territories every two years.

A distinctive feature of the Educational Research Days conference is to open avenues of communication between students, trainers and educational system actors, alongside academics and researchers. In addition to the presentation of scientific papers, there will be workshops showcasing the best Master 2 theses from the past two years, research projects carried out by teacher trainers, as well as dialogue with actors of the educational world on current issues in the area of school education.

The purpose of the JRE-Riiclass conference is to inform INSPE students and trainers of recent or ongoing research, allowing reflection between researchers and trainers on the link between the results of theoretical research and their practical teaching applications, including initial teacher training and ongoing professional development: What are current research subject matters, topics, frameworks and methodologies focused on? (These could be identified, for example, by examining dissertations, theses in progress, existing research and publications). How has the provision of training (initial and continuing) evolved?  How does educational research relate to the practical environment? Which social, political and scientific challenges does it face? To what extent can and should teaching be adapted to the context? What are the benefits of more contextualised teaching? What kinds of partnerships between the school and the family, and more generally the school and society, are relevant in the context of French Overseas Territories?

These questions and possible answers could be found in the contributions to the conference or emerge as perspectives to be explored in future research. Indeed, research must deliver real benefits to the education system by promoting student success through better initial and ongoing teacher training.

The commitment to locally federate personnel resources, and institutions able to participate in dynamic reflection on educational research, has been extended to all French Overseas Territories and, let us hope, it can be progressively extended to all European overseas territories.

[1] École supérieure du professorat et de l'éducation (ESPE)
[2] Équipe d'accueil Sociétés Traditionnelles et Contemporaines en Océanie (EA 4241)
[3] Centre de Recherches et de Ressources en Éducation et Formation (EA 4538)
[4] Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l'éducation (INSPÉ)



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